On Sunday 25 October 2020 we launched The Relief Fund. The purpose of this fund is to offer short-term financial relief from such pressures as:
- Purchasing food while social security benefits are being arranged.
- Assisting with emergency, unplanned, costs for travel to assist a sick relative.
- Enabling individuals or families to attend church events from which they would otherwise be excluded.
- Subsidising a short course of professional counselling.
- Covering household expenses and general living costs for individuals or families facing unexpected costs and/or loss of income due.
Getting Involved
If you wish to contribute to the Relief Fund please make payments by bank transfer to:
Name: PCC of St James Gerrards Cross and Fulmer
Sort Code: 60-08-34
Account Number: 51176858
Reference: Relief Fund
Please send cheques payable to the PCC of St James Gerrards Cross and Fulmer, marked ‘Relief Fund’ on the back to:
Saint James Church Centre
Oxford Road
Gerrards Cross
SL9 7D
Printable Gift Aid Declaration Forms
Accessing the Relief Fund
If you (or someone you know) are in need of help, please talk to a member of the Ministry Team or your Growth Group Leader. We’d love to help!
Please contact the office via [email protected]
If you wish to contact a specific member of the team please use [email protected]
Find Out More
If you’d like to understand more about The Relief Fund you can read more in this short explanatory summary.